Saturday, January 1, 2011 ♥ 4:30:00 PM

According A - Z.


Jasmine Lee! :D

Hey, Jas! Thankyou for being my good friend! 2010 was a great year for you, i hope 2011 will be an awesome year for you! :D Year 2010, we didnt have much outings together cos of your studies but it was okay. We still managed to go out during our holiday! :D I miss how we played basketball together, and how we met S.H.E. Rmb their looks? I guess you forgot le bah. Hahas! :D

Actually, few years back i thought we dont really have much common thoughts together and didnt really talk to you when we are alone together. It was always you who started th conversation first but now, i have known you better and i really want more outings with you and play basketball again! :D

I hope we will still hang out more despite my Nlevel this year and your future JC life. Please think positive and I'll always be your listening ear! :'D Please dont forget me! :D Of cos i wont forget you as you are my good friend during my sec sch life! :D


Seeya soon.
Take good cares,


Linda ! ^^

Hey, Thankyou for the message in FB! I was really touched and I also very glad to have you as my cousin and same school! Awesome much! :'D
You sure we known each others for 5 years? WOW! Boom~ Its being 5years :O Thats so long and i didnt even realise it. LOL. And yup, we did grow a lot and a lot TALLER! Hahas, :D

Yup, we did drifted apart a little but i also hope we can catch up with each others more this year 2011. I also want to be an awesome friend to you this year! Time really flies, i remember how we cried together, laughed and lame together. I really miss it very much. Also, you must really take good care of yourself as this year will be a very important year for you! :D

Jiayou, k! :D I'll work hard tooo. Although you will be very busy with studies but I hope i'll still be your listening ear! :D Hehe. Thanks for everything that you had done for me!


Seeya soon, my dear gentle cousin! :D
take good cares.


SauFong :O

TWIN! TWIN TWIN! :D Still rmb how we form together, Twin? I still rmb leh! It was started when we found out that we shared a lot of common thingy, like dont like eat veg or dislike this or that. It was really sweeettt to have you as my twin! Hahas, :D Still rmb we went to NDP trainings? And how to notice someone together! HAHA! :D Then we put sunblock on our hands and leg or even face when we in th bus! Hahas :D It was really sweet memories! (;

We also got sms-ing each others right! Now, we both like to talk about korea idols! :D hahas. BEAUTY AND HOTTEST! (Y) Your Yoseob is cuteee, :D His vocal really very goood! :D My Chansung is so mannn! :D Hehe, anw i kinda like SHINee, Onew. Hehe. He's cute and innocent. hahas, :P I also started to like Wooyoung more (; Junsu's bday coming, 15Jan. Hey Broadcast Man! :D Hehe.

In Apples, we always share th common thingy. Only we two have th korea idols fever. Ha! :D Luckily, you have it too. If not i dont know who to share with! Hehe. So I really hope we can share more even if our sch life start! Also, remain TWIN forever :D Must always remember how we become good friends hor! C:

I hope 2011 will be wonderful year for you, :D Jiayou ! Thankyou for everything!


Seeya soon.
Take good cares,


YuanLong C:

Omg, Ahlong uh! :D Its really surprise me how we managed to be really good friends together. From one da xiao jie to now de ahlong. HAHA! :D We always quarrel over small thingy then soon, forgive le. Hahas! Magic friendship. We always like to JOKE around but you always angry with my jokes, i mean last time. But now still okay right? (;

Now you are humorous, thanks to me right! HAHA! :P You learn from me de hor, call me master when you see me. >.< I have always enjoy talking to you and always go your house play! We always watch movie together, hahas! :D You always call my house th wrong timing, i always watching tv that time. LOL. Then you always blame me for not listening to your talking on th phone. LOL.

I found out that, Dec holiday we didnt go out together! Gosh, i didnt know. We are so busy sia. You busy looking for your TWIN :P Hahas. Argh! I really miss th time we had, :'D It was so touching. So sad, you are not crazy for korea idols or else we will be sharing everyday! Ha :D

Please study hard for this year and we might spend less time together so miss me, k! Hehe. Thankyou for everything! :D


Seeyou soon.
Take good cares,


Please dont forget how we met and become good friends. Please remember each others and friends forever. Also, do keep in touch even we get marry in future! :D And do update news to each others, (;

I LOVE YOU ALL! :D My cutie apples, (:
I'll miss you.

2:14:00 PM


Nu-er! :D Long time no see hor!
Last year, i made friend with you. Its felt good to have a friend like you. Seriously, when i joined your class, im kinda worry that i wont make any friends since it was totally a new environment. But luckily, i met you and started hanging out with you after school. It was funnn! Really fun plus with Linglin, Audrey and Jasmine! :D We even went RP to study (though we didnt study much, more of playing) or eat SUBWAY! :D I kinda miss subway food!

I miss us taking pictures together! :D Those ugly faces ._. Hehe.

I hope 2011 will be a great year for you and let's JiaYou together for Nlevel! Definitely must come back for sec5! :D

And thankyou for th letter in faceboook! :D
Take cares,



SHINee fan! Gosh, it was only during October or September we become good friends thanks to GB! :D And also, after having dinner with you on some friday after cca. I really miss the time we have together, all those chitchatting! :'D Ha!

Now, I always share thing with you about 2PM although your 1st is SHINee ._. But you like 2PM a lot too right! :P Okay, you can share thing with me about SHINee cos i like Onew, hehe :D I want to have more chitchatting with you, and hang outs :D

Ada, Im a humorous person right~ I know :P

So i hope 2011 will be a great year for you and study hard for Olevel uh! Jiayou :D
Please dont forget me and how we share our korea idols together! :'D

Take cares,



Hey, NGB! Thanks for still keeping in touch with me although you graduated liao! :D Im really happy to have a tall friend like you. We must really continue keep in touch with each others!

Sorry for th short letter, (: I dont know what to write. Hehe. But anw,
Happy New Year! :D

I know you wont forget me, (Y)

Hope to see you soon.
take cares,


Hwei Yeen.

hey, SISTER! :D Long time no see ever since th class chalet! :D How are you? Thanks for th wish in the message! :D Im really happy to have you as my sister! :D You shared your thing with me, im really touch! And i didnt tell anyone about it. (;

We always talk like nobody business. And do homework together! I miss th time we chitchatting outside th staffroom! :D I rmb last year when i took my CT1 english result, i cried and you comforted me. Thankyou, and i really need that! :'D Also, we always company each others (go toilet, find people ..) Ha! :D

So lets work hard for this year, Nlvl. Dont give up, k! :D hehe. Jiayou! :D
Seeing you soon, (:

take cares,

Wei Kang.

Hey, SON! :D Thankyou for th message! Aww, mum really touch okay! (: My turn to write. Mum also hope your wishes come true and great year ahead! :D I dont know why, but i really treat you like my son or little bro :x We shared so many thing together and i didnt tell anyone, k! Mum's lip very tight de. LOL.

Our friendship is like there are countless thing for us to say to each others. How sweeet uh. It was so great to met you during Fancy Drill and how your cute friend, Deyang playing :D Mum thanks son for everything! Plus, sms-ing you isnt boring, k! (;

I can lend you mum's ear anytime anywhere ! :'D Please study hard and dont keep being effected by surrounding. Be strong and please grow taller than mum.

You still owe mum drink(s) and food, k! Mum still remember hor! :P

Seeya soon.
Take cares!

Weikang's Cute & Humorous Mum,

Jasmine Chua.

Hey. Jasmine! :D We didnt really have outing together right? I dont remember, expect chalet. I really have fun with you, and chitchatting! It was really awesome! We laughed, insulted and angry with each others! :'D It was really funny to chat with you.

We tried to ask each other out during school days but failed to go out. Cant blame us bcos we are so busy with our favourite cca! Hahas, :D Im really glad to have you as my good friend, my cutee classmate! (;

So let's us work hard for this 2011! :D And come back for sec5! I want us to go prom night together! :D Jiayou! :'D

Seeya soon.
take cares,



Yo! We not really very close with each others but i just want to tell you. I have a really great time with you! Hahas, :D All those chitchatting (; And how we share common thinking together! :D Let's have more fun together this year!

Sorry for th short letter, :O

So, Jiayou for this year! :D I hope 2011 will be a great year for you!
Seeya soon.

Take cares,


Noob. Thankyou for everything! I dont know when we become Sista! But i have a great time chatting with you on MSN or FB. Recently, we are not that close and I dont know why. It was really shocking to know that you not th same class as me next year. Whatever choice you make, I'll support you, dont worry yeah? (; Jus think positive!

Still remember our little secret? Ha! I kinda forget le, :x It had been so long~ I miss th time we chatted. Oh, you bully lor! Please dont hit my head anymore :P I'll hit you then.

So i really hope 2011 will be a great year for you! :D Please think th bright side of life and move on, (: Jiayou!

Seeya soon.
take care,

Sista aka Jiali

To everyone~
I'll miss you! & wont forget you, (;